The Lore of Sefarow
Here lives the bulk of the things I have written for this setting. For ease of finding things, this section will be broken down into many many pages, listed below. I Intend for this page to serve as a personal wiki of sorts

Overview of Categories
- Natural History
- Early History of Sefarow
- History by Country
People of Sefarow
- Races
- Important NPCs
- Albumaraes
- Barcevarre
- Dostrien
- Drahgi
- Dune Anmel
- Ermeniche
- Lethmel
- Malantera
- Tolemora
- Qaz-Nuzan
Cities and Towns
- Cities and Towns by country
- Cosmology of Adaria
- Major Deities
- Minor Deities
- Gods Beyond Sefarow
Guilds and Factions
- Guilds and Factions by country
- International Guilds and Factions
- Guilds and Factions Beyond Sefarow
- Languages
- Callendar
- The World Beyond Sefarow